Версия для печати :: Версия для печати :: Петрович :: Menu

Our happy childhood!


Salads and cold snacks

Hot snacks


Main courses



Tea and coffee

Juices and drinks


Glass of wine

Alcoholic drinks

Branded liqueurs

Branded cocktails



Always available for our guests are checks, draughts, domino, cards, “pyatnashki” and other table games.
Any guest has the right to buy any item of the club collection and to commission the club to create his/her bust (if three snapshots are provided).
The alcoholic drinks paid for by the guests but not finished by them will be stored for them during one year.
Any guest has the right to donate objects of his/her childhood and youth to the club so that he/she could come to meet them again.
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Dear customers! There can be minor changes in the menu not reflected on the site
”Petrovich” loves you!